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I’m Allison
I write here at Mind Joggle about books, reading, and building an engaging literary lifestyle. While you’ll find tons of book lists and recommendations here, you’ll also find resources to help you read better–find books you love, learn from and reflect on them, and connect with other readers.
Start a Reading Challenge
A reading challenge can add some fun to your reading life, prompt you to read new types of books, help you discover new authors and genres you love, and so much more! Our resources will help you find the perfect reading challenge for you.
What kind of reading challenge should you do this year?
Reading Challenges for Every Type of Reader
Get ready to shake up your reading life! Discover different types of reading challenges and find resources to help you plan your own, step-by-step.
Book Clubs
Connect with other readers and add new dimensions to your reading life. Our guides will get you started.
How to Start a Successful Book Club: A Comprehensive Guide
Follow these steps to get your book club off to a great start and keep it running smoothly.
Reading Journals
You’ll be amazed how a reading journal will enrich your literary life! Use your reading journal to reflect, record, track, and plan–no matter your journaling style, we’ve got tips and journals for you.
The Ultimate Guide to Reading Journals for Book Lovers
Ready to start a reading journal? Find ideas, tips, prompts, and more to get you started.