Let’s Build a Custom Reading Challenge that You Actually Care About

Add your own special sauce to a reading challenge to make it something you REALLY want to dive into!

You have your own interests, goals, and reasons for spending time with books. Don’t waste your time with challenges that tell you to “read a book with a blue cover.”

Dive deep into what your reading time can mean for you–and build a challenge that enriches your life.

Any of these describe your current ~situation~?


You want to take on a reading challenge, but all of the pre-built ones seem kind of…meaningless. You don’t really care about a lot of the prompts, and your reading time is already so limited. Why would you spend it reading a genre you hate, just to check off a box?


You want to read more books, but you’re not sure how to find ones that work for you. Your life is already packed and reading seems like an easy, relaxing hobby to take up. But you need a quick onboarding; no hunting through the library or bookstores, only to be disappointed. You need books that will have you ignoring your kids’ screaming to keep reading (I mean, you might want to check for blood. SO RELAXING, right?!?).


OR, you’re already a bookworm (fun fact: the French would call you an “ink drinker”!), but you want to try something new. You’re just not sure what that is, or how you can make your reading more meaningful–without feeling constrictive.


You want books that challenge your brain and your worldview, but you’re not naturally drawn to those “heavy” kinds of books. You feel like a reading challenge would get you there, if it’s built in a way that keeps you motivated (and that gives you space to squee over something fun–like a juicy mystery or a rom-com as a palette cleanser).


It’s time to get intentional about your own interests. Reading is one of the best, easiest ways to build in “me time,” and a custom reading challenge will have you clamoring to fill your shelves with books that make your eyes dance.

You spend most of your days thinking about everyone else.

Your kids. Your partner. Your job. Your community.

Sometimes the word hobby feels like it’s for everyone else.

You don’t get to do that, because you have to drive to the next basketball practice and pick up the dry cleaning and finish the presentation and UGH, now the dog has puked all over the rug. AGAIN. (Sorry, but give him cuddles for me.)

But you know you need something more.

Reading is the ideal way to feel more connected–to the world and to your own brain. It also has a low barrier to entry–just a few minutes each day and you’ll be more relaxed, focused, and even healthier (it’s true!).

Plus, you know how important it is to model reading for your kids.

Enter: your reading challenge.

There’s no one-size-fits-all for this.

You need a reading challenge that works for you.
Your life.
Your goals.
Your interests.
Your unique brain.

This one is just. for. YOU.

Let’s be clear: we’re not just adding yet another SHOULD to your list.

Even if it’s been so long since you had even a moment to focus on yourself that you don’t even know WHAT you like…we’ll help you figure it out.

We’re building a reading challenge that you actually want to do, that makes reading fun and turns you into a lifelong reader (or if you already are one, a challenge that makes your reading even better).


The Bibliophile’s Ideal Reading Challenge Blueprint

Build a custom reading challenge that turns you into a true bookworm and has you devouring those delicious deckled-edge pages.

Preview of the Bibliophile's Ideal Reading Challenge Blueprint course on a laptop
Here are the details

This simple course has three goals…


Get REALLY clear on what you want from a reading challenge.

I know it’s not to check off a random list of themes (Unicorns! South?? BLUE!) that you don’t care about. So we’ll dive into how to get clear on your goals and what will make a challenge fun and fulfilling for you. No one’s grading you here, and you get to be completely SELFISH and feel GREAT about it.


Define the reading challenge style that works for your life and goals.

Just want to read anything… anything at all? Great! This is a fantastic goal (and not an unusual one). We’ll help you pick something you love–and keep up the habit.

Ready to finally read the books on your shelves, tackle the works of an intimidating author, or learn about a new topic from multiple angles? We can do that, too.

Your life, your tastes, and your reasons for reading are unique to you–and your reading challenge should be, too.


Map out a reading challenge that you’ll love

Whether it’s for a month, a season, or a whole year, you’ll build a custom challenge that brings you a sense of accomplishment–and is fun (FUN! All for YOU! Yes, it’s possible!).

How Is this Different from Other Reading Challenges?

There are plenty of other reading challenges out there. Readers enjoy them, they check off the boxes, and they complete the challenges.

If you like those kinds of challenges, that’s great! There are a lot to choose from. 

But if you want something more, this is for you. 

Unlike most reading challenges, here’s what our reading challenges WON’T have:

  • ❌ An arbitrary list of themes or topics
  • ❌ A set reading schedule 
  • ❌ One-size-fits-all goals
  • ❌ A churn-and-burn reading model. You’ll go deep as you read, not just jump to the next new thing.

Here’s what our approach IS aimed at:

The transformative power of reading.

Books are powerful. That’s why they’re so threatening to so many people.

It’s also why they should be one of the main tools in your mental arsenal. Because books aren’t powerful on their own. 

They’re powerful when people like you embrace them, internalize and interrogate them, and find your own power in what you learn.

Through the process of building your reading challenge, you’ll go deep on the transformation that you want, in this moment.

  • It may be big: i.e., understanding a complex global issue, so you can be a more informed activist.
  • It may be smaller and more personal: maybe addressing self-doubt so you can find the confidence to start a business or relationship.
  • It may be even smaller: like simply giving yourself 10 minutes a day to engage your own brain in the way that you want. (Make no mistake: this can feel like a BIG GOAL when you haven’t been able to do it for years!)

Your custom challenge will be something you CARE about, that you can build on, that may even have the potential to change your life. 

And that’s worth so much more than checking a box that you read a book about mermaids (no shade to the mermaids!).

How It Works

This is a beta-version sale of the Bibliophile’s Ideal Reading Challenge Blueprint. Since you are purchasing as an early adopter, you will get low beta pricing–and you will receive all future updates and enhancements, for as long as the course is offered, at no additional cost.

  • Online Course – After you purchase, you will receive information on how to create and log in to your account. You can then work through the course at your own pace. Design your reading challenge in a day or a week–whatever works for you!
  • Help make it better – Because you’ll be an early adopter, I would love your feedback on the course–how it’s helping, what more you need, and how it can be even better. Remember, you’ll receive all future enhancements!


Preview of the Annual Reading Challenge Journal and inside pages

Get the printable Annual Reading Challenge Journal absolutely FREE ($17 value) when you sign up for the Bibliophile’s Ideal Reading Challenge Blueprint Course!

You’ll receive the journal immediately, so you can start your brainstorming before the course launches, or wait and have it ready to use when you build your challenge.

Hi! I’m Allison

I’m a book lover like you. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to make reading better for women–not just because it’s an amazing hobby, but because it’s important. Our minds are constantly co-opted by the needs of others, and carving out time to read, think, and learn is one small way to reclaim a bit of that brain space and add yourself to the list of people you serve.

I’ve managed to do this for myself, despite being a busy mom who runs two businesses and has countless daily responsibilities–just like you. I’m passionate about intentional learning and have a master’s in Technology in Education from Harvard University. I bring to you my own practical experience, coupled with formal education and a deep desire to help you find more satisfaction in your reading and personal development.

Reclaim Your Brain and Build Your Custom Reading Challenge!

Get the course at a discount when you take advantage of early adopter pricing! Plus, get the bonus Annual Reading Challenge Journal absolutely free.
