A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 8/24/18

Books for both tween boys and girls, revisiting trigger warnings, InstaNovels, fall book previews, and the worst books ever.

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For your Friday reading enjoyment, we have books for both tween boys and girls, revisiting trigger warnings, InstaNovels, fall book previews, and the worst books ever. Let’s get to it!

10 Female-Led Novels That Tween Boys (and Girls) Love – Read Brightly
I’m talking middle grade books next week, so this is timely. I hate that boy-led books are often considered “universal” while girl-led books are only for girl readers. I’ve only read a couple of these, but I agree that they would appeal to both boys and girls.

Trigger Warnings Psychologically Harmful, Harvard Study Shows – Inquistr
A few weeks ago, we had some discussion in the comments about trigger warnings. This study showed that trigger warnings can actually cause more anxiety in people who believed themselves vulnerable to the content. The study used literature as the sample text, so this is highly relevant to those of us writing about books.

Now You Can Read Entire Books on Instagram Thanks to the New York Public Library’s ‘InstaNovels’ – Fortune
I’m not an Instagrammer, but this may prompt me to at least try it out. I love seeing the new ways that people innovate to tell stories.

Fall Previews
I feel like I link to Sarah and Susie a lot, but they are some of the first bloggers I look to for great recommendations (especially since I’m mostly reading backlist these days–they help me choose the must-read new releases). Fall is one of the biggest times for new books, and both of them have put together some great previews of what’s coming. Check them out at Novel Visits and Sarah’s Book Shelves.

What’s the worst novel ever? It might be this 19th-century train wreck. – Washington Post
I simply couldn’t resist this title. I’ve never heard of this book, and honestly, I only skimmed the summary. But: readers love to talk about awful books. I can think of a few recent ones that might deserve a nomination.


On the Blog

Building Reading Routines and Habits for the School Year


Friday Fun: Which books would you nominate as the Worst Ever? Or, tell us which fall books you’re excited to read!


A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 8/24/18
