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New Nonfiction Books on My Reading List

New books on my reading list from the nonfiction book recommendations from bloggers participating in Nonfiction November.

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It’s hard to believe that Nonfiction November is already coming to an end. November has been such a crazy month with some personal ups and downs that kept me from reading or participating as much I’d hoped to. I’m sorry if I didn’t get to your blog post or comments–I definitely wanted to!

I was also not as successful with my nonfiction reading list this year, with two DNFs from my original list, but I did get an additional audiobook or two in that worked out better.

Today I’m linking up with Doing Dewey; here is the prompt for this last topic of Nonfiction November:

It’s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! Which ones have made it onto your TBR? Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book!

New Nonfiction Book Recommendations

Even though I didn’t get to visit as many blogs of Nonfiction November participants as I’d have liked, I did get some good recommendations for new nonfiction reads. Here are a few that stick out:


What new nonfiction recommendations did you add to your reading list this Nonfiction November?


New Nonfiction Books on My Reading List



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