A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 11/16/18

Bookish links I love including jigsaw puzzle mashups, a toy library, an unread Holocaust library, and a doll library with representative dolls.

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We just passed the halfway point of Nonfiction November and I’m still going strong with the nonfiction reads I’ve chosen–plus the fiction ones I’ve been throwing in. I’m enjoying it, but I’m also looking ahead to December.

It’s a busy month, so I’m thinking it might be a great time for some lighter new reads and a few rereads of old favorites. I still have a few weeks to think about it, but I’d love to hear your plans for rounding out 2018, or how you get through that extra-busy month.

Links I Loved

This artist uses jigsaw puzzles, with the same die cut pattern, to make these terrific mashups – BoingBoing
Our family gets into jigsaw puzzles in the winter–we often have a 2,000 piece on going in our basement. We had another (!!) big snow this past weekend, so our puzzling has begun early. This type of puzzle mashup would be a fun thing to try (though probably not with a 2,000 piece one!).

Every City Should Have a Toy Library – The Atlantic
YES to toy libraries (or “toyeries”). I think my kids would be more interested in the toys they borrowed, plus it wouldn’t feel like my house was exploding with toys. Our library has a few toys and I’m always amazed by how they continue to intrigue my kids, just because they’re new, different, and not in our house.

‘Terrible times are coming’: the Holocaust diary that lay unread for 70 years – The Guardian
A new diary from a Jewish teenager confined to and killed in the Polish ghetto in World War II is being published next year. Comparisons to Anne Frank are inevitable, but it also makes me think of We Were the Lucky Ones.

Library Designs Doll to Show Beauty of Representation – Programming Librarian
Several things I love about this: the doll lending library, the public input on creating an authentic doll, and the librarians who recognized the importance of kids seeing themselves in toys and stories.

On the Blog

Mini Reviews of Recent Reads
November 2018 book reviews, including We Were the Lucky Ones, Waiting for Eden, Someday, Away, Zeitoun, and Always and Forever, Lara Jean.

Seeking Nonfiction Books About Friendship
For this week’s Nonfiction November theme, “Be the Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert,” I’m looking for your best recommendations for nonfiction books about friendship–and I offer a few that I’ve loved.

One year ago: Ten Books I Want My Kids to Read

Happy weekend!

A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 11/16/18


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