A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 1/11/19

Links include slow lit, Marie Kondo-ing books, experience gifts, reading outside your comfort zone, and 2019 previews.

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Just a few weeks ago, we were all looking back on our favorites, but now we’re looking ahead to 2019–so many book previews! It’s exciting to look ahead and make plans for what’s to come. Some of my favorite previews are linked below, as well as some other links in keeping with the new year theme (clutter seems to be on everyone’s mind–mine included).

Links I Loved

Meet ‘Slow Lit,” the Sleep Trend That’ll Knock You Out Faster than Melatonin – Well and Good
Honestly, I’m on board with just about anything that helps my family sleep better. We all recently got weighted blankets and they are amazing. And once upon a time, we got The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep (with mixed results). I’d definitely listen to some soothing literature if I was having trouble sleeping.

What we gain from keeping books – and why it doesn’t need to be ‘joy’ – The Guardian
Marie Kondo is taking Netflix by storm (I haven’t watched yet, but I plan to check it out). One writer, however, takes issue with how she recommends clearing out the books.

But I can’t imagine what a blank collection of physical books I’d be left with if they had to spark joy. (Goodbye Jelinek, Bernhard and Kafka, hello books with photos of hippo feet.)

Why I Didn’t Give My Kids Any Toys for Christmas + 50 Experience Gift Ideas – My Novel Life
I admire that Allison at My Novel Life didn’t give her kids ANY toys this Christmas! We pared down a lot and made many suggestions for experience gifts from relatives, but we still have cleaning out to do and I’d like to keep it to more experiences (and let’s be honest: books) next year. She’s right–they are the best!

How To Read More Outside Your Comfort Zone – Keeping Up With the Penquins
I’m enjoying Sheree’s “how to read more” series, and I particularly like this topic. I feel like I’m pretty good at reading widely, but I get into ruts like anyone else. It’s good to try something new now and then–though I’m still not opposed to putting it down if it’s not working 🙂

2019 Previews
I have my own list of books I’m looking forward to in 2019 (that I really should pull together and post…), but I’ve been enjoying all the previews from everyone else as well. Lists like this are everywhere, but my (totally unbiased) opinion is that the bloggers have the best recs! Here are a few of my favorite lists:


On the Blog

I’m venturing into advanced reader copies (ARCs) and more book reviews, though I’m still uncertain if I’ll continue to do full-length reviews. For now, I’ve kicked off the year with a couple of books just released this week:

Last Year: I kicked off my “Story of the Story” feature, and started it off with a look at Chris Cleave’s Everyone Brave Is Forgiven.

I faltered a bit on the “story of the story” posts last year, but I’m planning to resurrect them in 2019 and I have more on the way soon. The few that I’ve done are some of my most popular posts, and I love writing them, so I’m looking forward to growing this feature!


A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 1/11/19



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