Best Gifts for Kids Who Love Books

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I have always loved sharing books and a love of reading with my kids, and it’s gotten even more fun now that they’re getting older and finding their own love of books. So of course when it’s time to think about gifts for kids who love to read, my thoughts go immediately to books.

There are tons of great books that I still want to share with them–a few are below, and many more are on this list of must-read middle grade books.

Beyond the books, it’s also fun to find bookish gifts for kids that will delight them and have them them itching to curl up to read.

My kids are particularly into the idea of a reading nook or “cozy corner”–a super-comfy place where they can hide away with their favorite books.

I love this idea and remember also seeking out my own cozy corners when I was a kid, so I can’t resist accessories that help them create their cozy reading spots.

We’ve also loved discussing the books we read. Harry Potter was a huge topic of conversation for several years, and now other books have taken over. If this is similar in your home, be sure to check out the first item below.

Reading Journal for Kids

I designed this parent/child reading journal just for these discussions with kids about books, and my kids have been thrilled with theirs. I hope you and your kids will love it, too!

The Books We Read cover

The Books We Read: Parent/Child Reading Journal

Make reading time more meaningful with this parent/child book journal. Kids and parents can use the reading journal and book log to track the books they read together. The journal encourages kids and parents to reflect on and discuss what they read. Kids can use the spaces to record:

  • What happened in the book
  • Favorite parts of the book
  • Favorite characters
  • New words
  • Feelings prompted by the book
  • Favorite quotes
  • 1-5 star ratings

The journal pages prompt reflection but are open-ended so kids can choose whether to write or draw their responses, making this journal perfect for kids of all ages–whether they can write yet or not. Parents also have space to record their thoughts and their ratings.



Of course, BOOKS are always my favorite gift for any kid!

If you want to stock up your favorite young bookworm’s library, these lists include many of our very favorite books from the past few years.


My kids LOVE to get anything in the mail so a subscription is a sure winner.

Reading Tools and Accessories

Reading Nook Accessories


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Which are your favorite bookish gifts for kids?

Gifts for Kids Who Love to Read
Gifts for Kids Who Love Books


    1. Aw, thanks so much! I’d love to hear what you think when you get it.

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