A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 8/10/18
Links I love this week including millenial reading habits, trigger warnings, Jane Eyre, and the Bel Canto trailer. Plus, follow Mind Joggle on Flipboard.
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I’ve been enjoying some lighter summer reading lately–I hope you have as well! Here are this week’s bookish links to kick off your weekend.
This isn’t exactly a link to new content, but to a new way to follow the blog. I’ve been using Flipboard for a couple months now and I love it for skimming news and finding articles on topics that interest me. I just became a publisher on Flipboard, so if you use it as well, please follow me! You can follow just the Mind Joggle magazine to get updates in your feed, or can you follow my full profile to see everything I’m flipping.
Millenial Reading Habits Have Changed the Definition of a Classic – Quartz
This isn’t the best headline, but it is an interesting read on the changing lifecycle of books on the bestseller lists. While it may affect the designation of future “classics,” overall I think the quicker cycle might be a good thing by allowing more new and diverse authors to top the lists. What do you think?
When Literature Takes You By Surprise: Or, the Case Against Trigger Warnings – The Conversation
I don’t have strong feelings about trigger warnings for my own sake, but I am sensitive to the need for some other readers to have them when books depict especially extreme situations–as with a book like A Little Life. But not everything that triggers can be given a warning, as this writer found, and sometimes there is value in the surprise.
Such moments can make us feel awful, and uncomfortable, and can disrupt our carefully managed public and professional performances of the self, but they can also generate strong emotional connections between people, across time and different cultures.
Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte – Keeping Up with the Penquins
Sheree is working through a list of classics that she’s never read, and while you might think rehashing these widely read books might be dull, her reviews are anything but. Between Sheree’s commentary and the Amazon review gems she tacks on at the end, it’s always fun to take a peek at a new perspective on a well-worn classic.
Bel Canto Trailer
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett is one of my all-time favorite books and I’m excited to see the screen adaptation (let’s be honest: in several years when it comes to Netflix). Check out the trailer:
On the blog:
Creating a Reading Culture at Work
Last year: I also just finished Jane Eyre, plus Ove, a much-loved WWII novel, and two excellent mysteries, in my July 2017 roundup.
What are you reading this weekend?