Upside-Down Magic

This is a favorite of both my daughters. Again set at a magical boarding school where the students are separated by their type of magical gift--plus one group of misfits who can't quite control their gifts--this series has a much lighter touch than Harry Potter. They love discussing the magical creatures in these books and the books aren’t as scary for my youngest child who is more sensitive to darker stories. They also love the Upside-Down Magic Disney movie.
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Publisher’s Description
It’s never easy when your magic goes wonky. For Nory, this means that instead of being able to turn into a dragon or a kitten, she turns into both of them at the same time — a dritten. For Elliott, the simple act of conjuring fire from his fingertips turns into a fully frozen failure. For Andres, wonky magic means he’s always floating in the air, bouncing off the walls, or sitting on the ceiling. For Bax, a bad moment of magic will turn him into a . . . actually, he’d rather not talk about that. Nory, Elliott, Andres, and Bax are just four of the students in Dunwiddle Magic School’s Upside-Down Magic class. In their classroom, lessons are unconventional, students are unpredictable, and magic has a tendency to turn wonky at the worst possible moments. Because it’s always amazing, the trouble a little wonky magic can cause . . .