
A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 5/18/18

Links I loved from the week of May 18, 2018, including must-read memoirs, summer reading lists, and the science of plot twists.

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Happy Friday! There were a bunch of great links on the literary web this week, so I hope you’ll take a little time to click through and see what some of my fellow bloggers have been up to.

This weekend and early next week I’m looking forward to some bookish TV on PBS, with the second episode of the new Little Women adaptation and the premier of The Great American Read on Tuesday. Did anyone else watch Little Women? I haven’t decided yet if it lives up to past adaptations.

Anyway, on to the links!

A Week in the Books - Links I Loved the Week of 5-18-18

Links I Loved

12 Compulsively Readable Memoirs/Biographies – To Love and to Learn
Torrie has an excellent list of biographies and memoirs, including some that I hadn’t heard of. Best of all? She promises that these are all fast reads that will keep you completely hooked. An excellent companion to this week’s 30 Memoirs and Nonfiction Books for Your Reading Bucket List.

The Science of the Plot Twists: How Writers Exploit Our Brains – The Conversation
This was an interesting article on plot twists and spoilers, especially in light of some recent blogger discussions on unsatisfying “twists” in thrillers. It seems there’s a fine balance between spoilers enhancing enjoyment and ruining anticipation for a story, as well as for a twist that’s too out of line with reader expectations.

Heading Down the Rabbit Hole with Books – Novel Visits
Susie makes some good points about how blogging affects our reading habits, the books we choose, and how we rate and feel about the books we read. Worth considering for any bookish blogger who wants to maintain their love of reading while still getting enjoyment out of blogging.

Summer Reading Lists
Not one but TWO excellent summer reading lists. Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy and Sarah at Sarah’s Book Shelves both put together AMAZING summer reading lists every year. It’s a lot of work and a lot of reading to find the books that set just the right tone for summer reading. Check them out:

14 Books Characters from Friends Would Love – Kristin Kraves Books
For your falling-on-the-couch-exhausted Friday (just me?), and in honor of my own recent Friends marathon while redesigning this blog, a look back at the Friends and the books they might love. There were a surprising number of bookish references!

Have a great weekend!


A Week in the Books - Links I Loved the Week of 5/18/18
