A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 1/4/19

Bookish links including a new book blogger podcast, WWII book cover formulas, a year of creating art, and a Harry Potter dance number.

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Happy 2019! The holidays have come and gone–ours were pretty quiet after several weeks of sickness, but very nice–and I always love looking ahead at the start of a new year. I’m not one for resolutions, but it seems like a good time to try a few new things. I have some ideas for the blog–both big and small, some of which may not come to fruition until late in the year–and I hope to share more of them as the year progresses. I hope you’ll stick with me and that you enjoy what’s to come.

For now, a few links for the first Friday of 2019:

Sarah’s Book Shelves Live – Interview with Georgia Hunter
Sarah from one of my favorite book blogs, Sarah’s Book Shelves, is starting a new podcast! I love what I’ve heard so far, and her first episode is a must listen: an interview with Georgia Hunter, author of We Were the Lucky Ones, one of my favorite books of 2018.

Book Cover Trend Watch: WWII-Era Women Looking Away – BookRiot
This is a pretty obvious trend that I’ve also noticed, but…wow. I had no idea just HOW MANY there were until I saw the full collection here. It’s impressive.

The Habit of Art: A Year of Daily Painting – The Rumpus
I don’t consider myself an artist, or spend much time making art, but I love this reflection on a year of making art. I’d like to spend more time creating “art” (even just doodles) in 2019, if only to get my brain working a little differently.

Harry Potter-Themed Dance Team Routine
Apparently this went viral in 2018, but I hadn’t seen it. If you also missed it, it’s worth the 6 or so minutes to watch it.


On the Blog

Best Books of 2018
My favorites from the 79 books I read last year. (I was so close to a nice round 80, but New Years Eve saw us hosting my 7-year-old’s first sleepover, and I just couldn’t make it through those last few chapters before I feel asleep!)

The Books on My January Reading List
I’m kicking off 2019 with some new releases that have me intrigued–Hedy Lamarr and English witch hunts, among others!

Last Year: I kicked off my Read My Shelf Challenge with a list of all of the unread books I had on my shelf.


Happy first weekend of 2019!

A Week in the Books: Links I Loved the Week of 1/4/19


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